Podcast Episode #56: Talent Insights Team Building Session Success
Overview of Episode #56 ---
- What every employee wants to know before they will fully engage.
- The 3 main reasons for conflict.
- 10 (+1) Practical Talent Insights Assessment Facilitation and Debriefing Tips.
Timing on Recording: @ 8:06 ---
Topic 1: When we think about working with a group and we think about giving assessments, there's a couple of things to keep in mind.
- We want to reduce resistance, make sure they want to participate.
- Conflict, three main reasons why it happens.
- Miscommunication.
- Different values or interests.
- Past histories.
Timing on Recording: @ 15:48 ---
Topic 2: Five Areas of Job Fit.
- Background and experience; Roads traveled, destinations you have been to and destinations you want to go.
- Culture of the organization; Where they are parked.
- Thinking and feeling patterns; What’s under the hood; Horsepower.
- Motivators; What puts gas in your tank and makes you want to go.
- DISC; How they behave; How someone drives.
Timing on Recording: @ 20:38 ---
Topic 3: 10 (+1) Tips for Starting Strong; What to do Before Starting a Training Session.
- Four things to communicate prior to any session:
- Logistics.
- How the information is going to be used.
- Confidentiality and the things that people are thinking and feeling about having a training session with the team.
- Why this project is important.
- Share reminders about what the assessment is measuring and what to do with the report.
- Have some type of debrief prior to the team meeting.
- How to open the session; Favorite key icebreakers.
- I.E.E.I - Introduction, Excitement, Empower, Involve.
- Opening questions: “The well-known person I've never met before but would like to have breakfast with is? And here's why. And the person who has most influenced my life is, and here's why.”
- Team question: What is the most effective team that you've been a part of and why was it so effective?
- Share tweetable comments about what you thought of your assessment, positive or negative.
- How to debrief Motivators.
- Use of tent cards.
- Understanding the team Motivators wheel.
- How to debrief the DISC.
- Understanding the team DISC wheel.
- Favorite exercise for sharing.
- Share Communication Do's and Don'ts.
- Team Effectiveness Strength Bombardment Exercise
- Review what was discussed and capture key points.
- Missing Links Exercise.
- Star Light, Star Bright Exercise.
- Follow-up strategies for impact.
- Talent Tracker
DISC Team Wheel Example
Motivators Team Wheel Example
Talent Tracker Example
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