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TriMetrix or Talent Insights 
Self-Paced Assessment Resources

These professional development resources are for you! We want you to confidently claim your strengths, manage your blind spots, so that you and your team wake up eager every day, feeling productive, satisfied and successful!

 "To understand, appreciate and grow our relationships with others,
must first understand, appreciate and grow ourselves."  
Suzie Price, Founder of PPD

Video and Guidelines- Understanding My Assessment 

Read This One Page Guide for Reviewing Your Results  and Watch this video to begin to understand your assessment results:

The Most POPULAR Motivator and DISC Resources 

  1. Memory Jogger Cards:  Motivator: Gas in Tank   and DISC: How You Drive Around
  2. Motivators:  How Each Motivator Reacts to Crisis 
  3. Sales Tips - Understanding Your Buyer's Motivators:  Clues, Stressors, Actions to Take and Words to Use
  4. DISC: Send Emails That Work -  Use DISC Styles to Create Better Emails
  5. TWO DISC FUNNIES: Video: DISC Styles on an Elevator Different Ways of Doing  Everyday Things:  DISC Humor

Development  Plan Worksheet

Now, use this Development Plan Link to create a development worksheet:

  • Select: Talent Insights w/ Motivators or TriMetrix HD Legacy w/ Motivators.  Enter: Name, Company, and Position.
  • Select Personal Skills, Motivators, and Behavioral Traits you would like to learn more about, 
  • View. Print. Save. Use to track action plans and results

Also, check out the Self-Paced Debrief Guide Books:  Gas in Tank & How You Drive:  Talent Insights  Under the Hood: Acumen 

Learning Bites - TriMetrix University

Find Learning Bites for each area measured - 
TriMetrix University Development Insights. Learn: Why each item is essential; discover skill strength descriptors; use the tips for development, and take action with coaching exercises. 

Leadership Development Resources 

Top Leadership Mindset - The One Thing We All Have in Common...

"If we are truly to have  the best relationships with others, this ONE thing is something we have in common with ALL people on Earth - People will forget you said. People will forget what you did.  
But they will never forget how you made them feel... because the need to feel valued and respected is universal."

Leadership is achieving extraordinary business results through people. 

 Use these resources and your assessment results to understand, value and lead others by activating their greatness.

Workbook: Leadership

Video: Leadership: Expanding Your Impact            

Video: Leadership: Managing Your Emotions

Video: Leadership: How Great Leaders Inspire Action

Video: Leadership: Do You Have It?

Audio: Activate Greatness: What Great Coaches and Leaders Do

Audio:  Leading and Working Remotely - Top Tips from Master Facilitator Michael Wilkinson

    Improving  "Leader As Coach"  Skills

    Improving Accountability, Handling Conflict and Creating a Dashboard

    Interview Tools and Training Resources for Hiring Managers
  • Two Step Process for Reviewing the Candidate's Assessment Results -  Check  List 
  • Debrief Worksheet to Think About the Superior Performance Attributes Needed for Success In the Job

Suzie's Recommended Reading

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