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Self Confidence Tip: Negatives Can Become Positives

by rebarules82

Earlier this year, I was told I would not be needed for as many hours at my job because there just wasn't enough work.

At first, it made me feel terrible, and I felt like maybe my work wasn't good enough. But, then I realized something, that this setback was actually a blessing in disguise as it gave me the time to do something I've always wanted to do--go back to school.

Now I get to learn things that I didn't have time for, and, in the process of learning these things, I have the opportunity to hone my career skills and make me more marketable to future employers.

So, if you've been faced with a setback, don't think that it's all negative, in fact, think that maybe it's a great opportunity for you in disguise.

So, hold your head up high, and think positively, because thinking negatively may take away your opportunity that you've been waiting for for a long time.

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