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My Self Confidence Tip: Laughing Never Hurt Anyone

by Brittany

We can all say that the bad economy has caused a domino effect with everything else. From jobs to foreclosures to almost anything Financial, causing strain and stress on you.

Pick your chin up. It will get better.

Start by making a list of your priorities and things you have done. Put them in order from most important to least.

Look at your list.

Chances are, you have already accomplished your most important goals in life. If not, place that list on your fridge, or on a desk at work, reminding you, that It will get better, and that you can achieve goals.

Laugh a little.

Studies have shown, laughing helps boost better moods in so many ways.

So pick out a comedy movie and pop some popcorn, and relax. Let your worries and paranoia melt away.

Go out with friends even. Anything to take your mind off of things, will help build your self-confidence and courage to help you in the future.

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