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PPD  and Indigo Education
Development Resources for
Students and New Graduates:

Thank you for completing the Student/ New Graduate TriMetrix Assessment!  Use your assessment results and Indigo's online strengths-based career exploration training program to build self-awareness and confidence. Uncover your unique talents and strengths as you learn more about your intrinsic genius.  Gain new insight around future areas of study and career direction decisions so that you - Wake Up Eager every day of your life!


College and Career Guides:

For Educators:

Wake Up Eager Workforce Podcast: Learn more about Indigo's Founder Sheri Smith - listen to or read the transcript of Suzie's Podcast Discussion with Sheri:  Student TriMetrix: MORE That a Degree

We cover:  ---  Why self-discovery and self-worth matter more than a degree and good grades. --- How Student TriMetrix Assessments helps students grow into a role that makes them happy AND pays the bills.
--- How The Genius Project and Awesome Project exercises lead to a healthy ego and a true sense of self.


  • Increase your knowledge about TriMetrix with our signature online certification programs
  • Improve hiring, on boarding, development and team building by using the the business version of the TriMetrix Assessment, contact Suzie Price here.
  • Join with us by supporting the work  Indigo Education Company does for students all over the United States. If you find benefit in this process, please share this this link with other family members and friends. 

More About Indigo Education Company...

We at PPD have partnered with Indigo Education Company because we want to make sure that they can continue their great work:

  • Supporting student success, retention, social emotional health, and career readiness
  • Helping educator's maximize student strengths and guide them to great choices

We want more schools to have access to tools that highlight student's strengths and special talents so that teachers and counselors can better guide and support our kids in knowing who they are and what they want!

How you can help:

  1. By purchasing an Indigo Student TriMetrix Assessment (and sharing this with your friends and colleagues)   you are helping, as all of our net proceeds from these assessments, go back to Indigo.
  2. Use your connections at your student's school  (think: Principals, Superintendents and Teachers) and  introduce them to Indigo by sharing this page and a copy of your child's completed report.

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