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by Beth Hermes
(Canton, GA)
Beth Hermes is The Network Goddess
The best tip I can offer, particularly to those new to exercise, is to start slow.
Rome wasn't built in a day. Set mini goals for yourself and work up to a level you can maintain time-wise but still push yourself so your fitness level keeps improving.
If you want to see real results, keep a journal - mind, body and spirit improve significantly with regular activity.
And busy people really do get more done!
I work out all the time - 4 days a week with a trainer, the rest of the time on my own. The few times I have "missed" my workouts (aka - slept through the alarm), the day has just fallen apart.
Working out is better than coffee (and I LOVE my coffee!)
Hey Beth,
I agree-that cartoon is fun (and so true for me at times!)
I love your tips - they are perfectly shared!!
And, congratulations on being so consistent with your workouts--Go Girl!!
If any one wants to find out more about the power journaling, check out:
Journal Writing Ideas: Why and How to Write a Journal
Thank you for sharing your wisdom with the Wake Up Eager Community.
All the Best, and More!
P.S. Beth's name is now in "the hat" for the drawing for the Cardio Coach Workout Audio MP3's... any one else?Or does Beth win it all!!?? :)
P.S.S. Also, if you are looking for Networking Tips & Insights, don't miss Beth's website/blog, here.
Comments for If nothing else, you HAVE to read the cartoon!
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