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by Jodi Johnston
(Parsons, KS, USA)
Its easy to show up for work and knock out that big project when you have everything just how you want it.
All too often the client’s demands are unreasonable, the deadline is too short, and the problem is just too big.
You give it a try but find yourself struggling to make any progress and sometimes fall even farther behind.
When all seems hopeless is actually when the greatest progress can be made.
Take a moment to refocus, go for a 10 minute walk and then look again, things are often clearer and not so gloomy.
Think of Thomas Edison and his work on the light bulb, it took hundreds of failures before he found success.
It would have been easy for him to have given up entirely. The point is that he took each setback as a bit more knowledge toward success and you can too!
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