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by Sujit
Friends, Self Belief is a must in overcoming the lack of self confidence. I myself had a big problem in accepting my capabilities and due to which I used to lag behind in many activities.
But then, I read some confidence boosting books like 'You Can Win', and trust me, I started believing in me, in the sense that I can do anything.
I started learning about things, exploring the unknown areas, gaining knowledge and ultimately reached a point where, throw me any problems or issues, I know I will definitely give a try at it.
I won't go down or feel bad about situation, not feel weakened, but strong to face it and come out of it. So, have the self belief in yourself at any cost and rest will fall in place.
Remember getting your dreams and building up your life is after all in your hands only. So, get to know yourself better and believe in yourself. Good luck!
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