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An important area Leaders need to consider is covered in this Managing My Spirit & Well-Being Area. It is about building a sense of community by developing meaningful personal and professional relationships. It is a focus on improving your life & work balance by creating a support network of people who believe in you and care about you, both personally and professionally.
If someone has a strong sense of Community they strongly agree with the four statements below. (These are the four Managing My Mind Items on the free Re-Calibrate Daily Quiz.) If you're not able to strongly agree with any one of the statements, just click on the link and you go right to a Resource Article about that Item.
"Invent your world. Surround yourself with people, color, sounds and work that nourish you" SARK
120 Stress Management Strategies and
Daily Tips for Developing This Area.
Click Here.
You probably have known one or two "lone wolves" in your life, in fact you might even feel like one. But the truth is that the majority of us are social animals.
If we truly are interested in finding motivation, and keeping it, we've got to spend time cultivating our own sense of community and our connections with others.
If you rated yourself low in this finding motivation Managing My Spirit and Well-Being area you may notice:
"A friend is someone who understands your past,
believes in your future and accepts you just the way you are."
I remember moving to Atlanta in the early '90's. I'd lived in a smaller South Carolina town for most of my life. I was excited to get to this bigger city. Once I got here I was surprised how much I missed being seen by people who knew me. I missed the feeling of community I'd had in my hometown.
It was a new and strange feeling for me. I had a hard time finding motivation without this sense of connection.
The Gallup Organization, through over 8 million interviews, determined that people who have a 'best friend at work' are seven times as likely to find motivation, be engaged, interested and committed to their job. And interestingly, on the flip side, without a best friend at work, Gallup says that your chances of finding motivation, being engaged in your job, are 1 in 12!
Satistics tells us that during our teen years we spend nearly one-third of our time with friends. For the rest of our lives, the average time spent with friends is less than 10%.
Over the years I've found that statistic to be true for me.
To make improvements I've been consciously focused on being on the "look-out" (yes, I've stalked people I thought were interesting!) for people I could connect with and get to know beyond just running into them at meetings every other month.
I've had to take what felt like 'risks' sometimes. I've invited new acquaintances over for dinner or initiated on-going lunch meetings, all in an effort to cultivate a stronger network of friends and colleagues. Gallup also says that people with at least three close friends at work are 96% more likely to be extremely satisfied with their life.
What have you done lately to build your work and personal relationships? Are you managing your Spirit and Well-Being?
In this 3 minute+ video about an amazing solider finding motivation and inspiration coming back to life once he heard the rallying cry of his Unit.
This video demonstrates power (and life) in Community. In sharing a common bond with others - that's why this area (Re-Calibrate Daily - Managing My Spirit) is crucial to your finding motivation and keeping it.
Get a tissue... I needed one, and you might too.
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