Podcast Episode #16: Tough Conversations: Performance Management Strategies
Overview of Episode #16 ---
Hear Cobb EMC's Director of Talent Management Ron Younker and I talk about how to have those tough conversations. Ron brings real world insight and fresh ideas from his 30+ years of experience.
We cover:
- How to Hold Those Tough Conversations.
- The Power and Simplicity of Holding ‘How’s it
Going?’ Meetings…
- Performance Management Litmus Test: Four
Questions to Ask Employees.
- A Bright Idea: Peer Mentoring for Growth and
Support for Leaders.
- Biggest Struggles for Leaders in the Area of
Performance Management.
- One Thing You Should Always Do When Having Tough
Timing on Recording: @ 4:44---
Topic #1: Ron Younker's Background and How to Hold Those Tough Conversations
- Will often have “constructive tension”
- Create safety
- Describe the behaviors - Use the litmus test of “Did I hear it, did I see it?”
- Ask the person what s/he thinks
- Listen actively
- Remember: having the conversation is a gift you are giving the employee
- Be sure to remember to recognize people for great work. (Gallup Research)
- Match the recognition to the person. (DISC Styles overview video here.)
- Breaking down development: 70% is through experience, 20% comes from mentoring and coaching, 10% training
- Help employees move through problems/experiences or pair them up with a mentor, don’t just throw people into training.
Timing on Recording: @ 32:40 ---
Topic #2: The Power and Simplicity of Holding ‘How’s it Going?’ Meetings…
- Scheduled meetings with employees to stay in touch – make them a regular expectation.
- Used to stay in tune with employees – what hurdles they are facing.
- Hold more of these if you are in an active coaching situation – meet weekly. But if there are no real issues you can meet every 2-3 weeks.
- Let them start…
- Usually 30-45 minutes long.
- Always asking, at the end, “What can I do?"
- Leadership is about enabling people to get their work done.
Timing on Recording: @ 36:36 ---
Topic #3: Performance Management Litmus Test: Four Questions to Ask Employees
- 1) What are the objectives you are trying to achieve?
- 2) What are the behaviors and values your department is focused on?
- 3) How are you doing?
- 4) What are you doing to get better?
Timing on Recording: @ 44:10 ---
Topic #4: A Bright Idea: Peer
Mentoring for Growth and Support for Leaders
- Create a “Board” of 2-3 peer leaders.
- Consider these folks as your accountability partners.
- Confidential discussions.Talk about real issues and challenges and sharing of best practices.
- This helps develop a common mindset among all of your leaders.
- A lot of companies keep safety at the forefront of their work. We hold meetings about safety every week and month. There is a continuous dialogue. As leaders we ought to doing the same thing so that it all stays fresh so that we’re sharing best practices and always learning.
Timing on Recording: @ 50:15 ---
Topic #5: Biggest Struggles for
Leaders in the Area of Performance Management
- Letting problems fester by turning our heads - do not have the courage to have the conversation – must display courage.
- Must realize that having the conversation is a gift you are giving that employee.
- Let wise people who’ve done it before – Show you how to do it.
Timing on Recording: @ 53:53 ---
Topic #6: One Thing You Should Always Do When Having Tough Conversations
- Take great notes.
--- Write out the conversation in advance – This will help you have the courage.
--- Create thoughtful notes for recognition and development.
--- Demonstrates respect.
Timing on Recording: @ 58:30 ---
Topic #7: Final Notes and
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Related Service:
Effective Communication eCourse -W.P.S.A. - Four Step
Communication Template for Having Tough Conversations
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