Do You Drink Green
Smoothie's All Day? Are You Eating Regular Food Too?
by Fran
Hey Suzie, Do you eat raw food and/or Green Smoothie's only? Or do you eat 'regular' food too?
I like the idea of this but I am not interested in a 'raw food only' diet. Will I notice a difference if I only do the Smoothies? Your thoughts?
Hey Fran,
I am like you, not all that interested in a raw food diet.
My goals are: to feel the best I can mentally, emotionally and physically while living a full and enjoyable life!
So for me, that includes eating
'good' food often,
plus the Green Smoothies. The 'good' food, for my household includes a lot of the recipes and ideas found in the
Body for Life and Eating for Life books by Bill Phillips, and the info I share in my
five part series on a healthy breakfast.I find the Green Smoothies
(which I have been drinking consistently---every day---for 11 months now!!):
- train my taste toward healthy selections
- satisfy my hunger
- keep me very healthy and lean (NO weight gain and NO colds/flu, etc)
- even-out my moodiness
- and for me, the best Guidance of all that this is right for me - is that EVERY time I make a Green Smoothie and drink it, I feel a feeling of happiness or internal zippy-ness!(<--is that a word?)
If you get started with Green Smoothies, come back here and let everyone here know what you notice for yourself, okay? Also, holler if you have questions.
Thanks a bunch for participating in the Wake Up Eager Community.
All the Best, and More!