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What are the best leadership assessment tools to use for hiring, promoting, coaching and building talent bench strength? I definitely have an opinion on what's the best based upon all the tools I've tried used, taught and been certified in throughout my 25+ year career in the business of human development. And, through all of that trial and error, I believe I have found the best of the best. Here are the three I use the most often and that I recommend:
The DISC Assessment is probably the most popular of the three best leadership assessment tools on my list. It's been completed by over 40 million people! In a DISC Assessment you get info about:
To see a sample DISC Communication Style Report, click here.
This Assessment is one on my Best Leadership Assessment Tools List because it is is very accurate. (People often say, "How did you get this? Did you talk to my mom or my spouse?!!?")
The information in the assessment is also easy for people to grasp, they very quickly begin to understand the four different DISC Styles, and can immediately put the insight to practical use. I use it often in leadership and sales training classes, as well as for team-building.
To recap: This Assessment is one of the Best Leadership Assessment Tools because it is so accurate. In addition it works perfectly in almost all leadership and sales training programs because it is immediately applicable. It helps people understand differences and improves communication.
"Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom..
Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power."
Tao Te Ching
This is one of the best leadership assessment tools because it:
This is one of the best leadership assessment tools because it helps you understand why you do what you do. This tool has helped me tremendously in developing my own Wake Up Eager days. It's really a "guidebook" to your own purpose, drive and passion. Powerful stuff!
COMBO DISC AND MOTIVATORS SAMPLE REPORT - Using TWO assessment sciences when developing others is smart, as it gives you and each participant a more detailed view of individual strengths, blind spots and talents. In the Talent Insights DISC and Motivators Assessment you get DISC and Motivators results, plus you see how the two sciences combine to gather even more valuable input.
"We know what we are, but know not what we may become."
William Shakespeare
TriMetrixHD is a facilitation process and online assessment tool that measures three (tri-modal) aspects of an individual and a job. When measuring job fit and sales skills (for sales positions) we use up to five sciences: Communication Style, Workplace Motivators, Acumen/DNA, Job Match and Sales Knowledge.
With TriMetrixHD you can:
Here are two sample reports: Talent, used for hiring and Coaching, used for coaching. This assessment is one of the best leadership assessment tools because it helps you hire superior performers and helps you specifically pinpoint top strengths and development opportunities.
"When you are looking in the mirror, you are looking at the problem.
But, remember, you are also looking at the solution."
The Department of Labor recommends that if you are going to use assessments to make any decisions - you must measure - at a minimum three aspects of an individual. TriMetrixHD helps you measure more than three aspects, and helps you lower your risk when hiring and promoting.
Review a Case Study about how one company used TriMetrix in their organization, here.
Why try to find and use the best leadership assessments? They promote understanding. Not being able to name, claim and understand our own and others strengths, and motivators causes frustration, resistance, tension and misunderstanding.
The best reason to use assessments in training: they help build understanding. Watch this short video now...
ROSETTA STONE VIDEO TEXT: "I understand. I understand where we come from. I understand our differences I understand our similarities. That we can connect with each other, that we can inspire each other, that we can improve each other."
"I understand the difference between patience and tolerance, the difference between trust and faith, the difference between you and me. I understand that my language can be yours, that your language can be mine and together we share something bigger, that we are human, that this is our world."
I picked and share with you these three assessments because they are:
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Coaching, Training and Assessment services.