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You Have Completed A Wake Up Eager Assessment - Thank You!

Thank you for completing an online assessment!

Depending upon which package your purchased - your assessments will be:

  1. Sent immediately you via the email address you entered when you started
  2. Or, I will forward your results to you, once we have scheduled a date and time to meet by phone.

If you purchased a debrief call with me, contact me here, with a couple of open dates/times, plus with the phone number you would like me to use for a call.

If you did not schedule a debrief call with me, but would now like to schedule one, please contact me here.

Each debrief call is about 45 minutes and is priced based upon your needs, such as:

  • Is this a new four week mentoring program together?
  • Is this a part of a group/team session/project?
  • Is this for a candidate you are considering hiring/promoting?
  • Or, is this a one-time interaction?

Let me know what situation best serves you, and I can then share with you, the exact costs of our potential work together.

Self-study (and free) Resources Available

n the future I will be adding self-study and on-demand overviews around how to exactly debrief your assessment. Until then here are some resources available:

Please contact me with ALL of your questions---okay?

Thank you for being a priceless Wake Up Eager Community friend and colleague!! All the Best, and More!!

Contact us to schedule a Complimentary Consulting Call

or to ask questions about any of our Hiring,
Coaching, Training and Assessment services.

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