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by Andy Schofield
(Parma, Ohio, U.S.A.)
I have exercised all my life, and trained in Tae Kwon Do for about 12 years. But, when I turned 40 is when I decided to dive into exercise and rejuvenation of my cardio and my physical appearance.
I figured why not... I can do it! So, I joined the YMCA and began going to the spin cycle classes and noticed after about 3 classes a dramatic improvement.
The key, at any age is consistency and positive thinking. Anyone can do it and its a constant improvement to strive for excellence with in ones self.
Diet is a key as well. If you at least limit the soda, coffee and the fast food. With that alone you will see a vast improvement in weight loss and overall good health.
My regime consists of 4 to 6 spin cycle classes, dips in between 2 chairs, pull ups and push ups and constant ab work. A strong core is the key to posture and a good back.
I use weights at times but for the most part its not really needed.
Do cardio, push ups, lunges, ab work, pull ups and that's a complete work out.
I hope this helps and remember just do it ! after the advice of a physician and take baby steps if your older like me :)
Thank you for sharing your routine, your tips and your positive focus.
You have a great work out. Spin is fun, and it's harder than it looks, and REALLY burns the calories.
What you share really IS a complete workout - high intensity cardio and body work.
I get bored with cardio, and I need to be reminded daily how important nutrition is to feeling good in your body, that's why I love, and recommend, these three resources on my Site:
(I'm sharing here for any one who's looking for inspiring/motivating tools to get started or get back to 'it'):
Burn The Fat eBook, Cardio Coach and Cathe.
Folks, Andy is my long-lost cousin, whom I have yet to meet in-person! He shares great tips, and has an energetic 'vibe' - doesn't he?
Thank you Andy for sharing (and I'm glad you're my cousin - I know we'll meet one day!)
All the Best, and More!
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