My Top Ten Tips for Consistent
Home Cardio Workouts
In Part 1 of this home cardio workouts Article I shared my favorite
tool, it's actually my secret-weapon for regular workouts and
inspiration. Now, I'll share some of the other actions and tricks I use to help me stay focused on taking to take time to take care of myself.
don't use each one of these all the time, but they are the things that I go back to when
I find myself walking past the home gym, and not into it!

- #1: I Pre-Pave My Intention to Work Out. This means I do things that get my mind and body in the 'workout mode' and mindset. For
example: I might take a few minutes to lay my work clothes, shoes and
even my ponytail holder in a prominent place the night before a workout, so I HAVE to see it, even step over it when I wake up. I'll also tell my
husband that I'm going to workout. Or, the night before I'll set out my iPod, and decide in advance which Cardio Coach program I'm going to do the next day.
- #2: Read Health-Related Magazines and Books (& Listen to Podcasts) That Interest Me. This is not only interesting because I'm learning, it helps me get into, think, feel and stay focused on fitness, working out, good nutrition and health. There's so many other things that pull our attention away from taking the time to take care of ourselves, tuning into fitness materials regularly helps us remember to take the time. Having fitness-minded materials all around you - like listening to podcasts while you drive or clean the house - helps you stay true to your goals.
"Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being,
while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it."
- #3: Wear Workout Clothes and Shoes That Feel Comfortable and Good On You.
Even if no one else is going to see me, I wear stuff that feels and looks good. I'm focused on home cardio
workouts so I can feel good. So why would I wear something that feels
unattractive and sloppy? My favorites shopping spots
for workout wear include: good quality, lower-priced items atTarget; a little more
pricey, but very cute-TJMaxx; at the higher-end, but oh-so-nice, Lucy.
- #4: Participate in Online Workout Forums.
"Talking" to or just reading what others, who are also focused on
fitness and well-being, can provide additional support, focus and drive when
I'm not feeling it on my own. My favorite Online Fitness Forum is at:
- #5: List All the Reasons You Work Out. This is a powerful writing exercise that only takes about five minutes. Answer this question: "I workout because..." OR "Here's what I get from exercising. I get..." Don't stop writing until you've written at least two pages. Next, you'll want to
read this list every day for a month. It works because it's like one long affirmation to yourself, reminding you why
you're taking the time to move your body. It helps reset old negative thoughts and internal resistance. It helps train your brain toward this positive habit.
- #6: Listen to Amazing Music. Pick the music that pumps you up and keeps you going. My favorites include all of the Cardio Coach downloads,
plus Fergie, Kelly Clarkson, Lenny Kravitz, Pitbull (raunchy - but a great beat), Adam Lambery, Bon Jovi, carrie Underwood, Anastacia and well, anything that has a great beat! Shape
Magazine online also offers home workout cardio play lists that are
usually pretty good.
"True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and
exercise of the body; the two are united."
Alexander von Humboldt
- #7: Just Do Ten Minutes. If I'm not energized, but my body feels okay and I'm not sick, I'll tell myself "Hey, just get in there for 10 minutes. If you don't get it into it by then, you can quit." Well, 95% of the time, after ten minutes, I'm warmed up and I don't want to quit. Works every time!
- #8: Drink Water. Drink water, water, water. This is crucial to energy and if you're dehydrated you'll have low energy and you'll feel too tired to workout: drink water, water, water.
- #9: Take A Break. When I'm sick or just do not want to work out - I don't.
I'm working out to feel good, and if working out is going to make me
feel worse, I give myself a pass. And when I do, I also do not allow ANY self guilt-trip about taking the pass. I just allow myself to rest.
- #10: List of Six. Every day I pick six things that I commit to myself that I absolutely will get done that day.(Like most people I may have 100 things I want to do, but the List of Six is your list of what you WILL do THAT day.) One of the items on my List of Six is almost always - "do at least 30 minutes of exercise."
This List of Six works because it helps mr not overcommit and overwhlem myselfwith huge to do lists! It helps me make the time and stay committed
to taking care of myself. It focuses me and helps me plan how I use my time every day.
"True enjoyment comes from activity of the mind and exercise of the body;
the two are united." Alexander von Humboldt
- #10 + 1: Cardio Coach and Cathe. The best coaches and fitness tools for regular home cardio workouts are two resources I use EVERY week: Cardio Coach (downloadable MP3 workouts) and Cathe (downloadable and DVD workouts.)
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